Saturday, December 8, 2012

More Hackerz?

Okay.. So Earlier today I see a status saying there is more hackers on msp besides "Anonymous" .
I asked the person and they told me their usernames, and I was like really shocked... WTF?
Okay I look up : Pumpono and Nodima.
  When I searched Nodima up.. o_o This is what I got. :  Some Green Headed Peoples....
again... WTF? >.< First its the purple headed freaks anonymous, now these!!! AKWARD!!
I didn't even know thsee green headed THINGS existed! o_O Well People, They're Supposed hackers... JS...

Okay... Now when I searched up Pumpono I got :
These Orange headed FREAKS..  yeahh I still think it's akward.. Don't you?? Oh well.. There Ya go... Dam Hackers these days :b

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